Testimonial from a student from a very remote village

I have been born and bought up in Kheda village where frequent draught and famine had diminished all our wealth (cattle, fields and equipment’s) to dust. The days when we barely could eat full stomach are not too distance memory. Shri Swaminarayan Gurukul Sarvajiv Hitavah Trust Droneshwar showed up and requested my parents to let me join the Shri Swaminarayan Gurukul Sarvajiv Hitavah Trust Dronashwar Girls School, as this was the opportunity created for all the souls being dragged down by poverty. My parents accepted the invite and I was admitted into the school from class 7.

We have a very good school that not only provides education but meals and year round supplies at no charge. This has help me change my perspective in life and I dream to become an Atro Scientise one day. A hungry stomach and sleepless nights staring at the sky always made me wonder how the universe is put together. I have a very keen interest in Science and with the help of Shri Swaminarayan Gurukul Sarvajiv Hitavah Trust donors and sponsors I feel empowered to turn my dream into a reality.

I also want to take this opportunity to thank all the faulty members at Shri Swaminarayan Gurukul Sarvajiv Hitavah Trust Dronashwar Girls school and the volunteers who all work day and night so myself and hundreds of my sisters at school can be well educated and have a very successful, happy and fulfilled life ahead.

The work being done here at the school will have an impact on generations/centuries to come as without this opportunity we would all be on the fields labouring for a meal or two.

Thankyou Shri Swaminarayan Gurukul Sarvajiv Hitavah Trust for looking after us all.